Nike: Marketing Strategy of Nike

Nike Incorporated is an American multinational 
company that plans makes sells and markets shoes   clothes equipment accessories and services all 
over the world Nike is a big name in The World of   Sports in its 2020 fiscal year the company made 
more than $37.4 billion in sales and employed   76,7 people around the world as of 2020 the Nike 
brand alone is worth $32 billion making it the   most valuable company in the sports business in 
2017 the Nike brand was worth $29.6 billion and   in 2018 mik Corporation was ranked 89th on the 
Fortune 500 list of the largest US companies by   total income Nike has a market share of 38.2 3% 
Nike's target audience the people Nike wants to   reach are between 15 and 40 years old the Brand's 
main customers are teenagers who look up to great   athletes but nikee also markets to middle-aged 
people so that its success will spread to younger   people for example parents in their 40s who like 
sports can encourage their kids to live an active   life Mikey knows that their goods are more likely 
to appeal to people who are always on the go and   live an active lifestyle this is why they focus 
on this group of people when they advertise and   sell their newest albums mik tells its customers 
that its products aren't about making you look   good as an athlete but about making you feel 
good this is how it divides up different kinds   of activity because sports are so different from 
one place to the next Nike's marketing plan is   heavily based on geography for example Nike 
couldn't Market to football players in India   Finland or the Philippines because football isn't 
nearly as famous there as it is in Mexico England   or Australia Mike's marketing strategies Mike's 
marketing team plans and acts in a very smart   way then you'll how to get the most most out of 
the four Ps of marketing product price promotion   and place by using a good mix of these things 
Nik can attract more possible customers which   will lead to more sales for the company price 
nik's Goods tend to be more expensive but this   doesn't bother customers because Nike knows how 
to Market and advertise in a way that shows how   great their products are this is very important 
for customers because it lets them know what they   are paying for place the Brand's goods are also 
sold by independent resellers and retailers which   has helped to boost sales but the brand has added 
online stores and physical sites to its list of   places to buy its products product Nike has a long 
history of making highquality fashionable products   which is not always the case with other names and 
Nike is proud to keep this image that has worked   hard to earn promotion each of Nike's marketing 
campaigns is carefully made to reach a specific   group of people even if if they have different 
demographics and psychographics what makes Nike's   marketing and campaigns different Nike is a 
well-known name in The Sports World and a big   reason for that is the way it markets itself mik 
has set itself up as a good and aspirational brand   by appealing to people's goals Comfort levels 
and cultural values this has made it become   a huge success all over the world with its just 
doit slogan and swo image it has reached millions   of people what makes Nike a great brand is its 
clever set of marketing strategies Nike didn't   become successful by chance they worked hard 
to build a loyal customer base by using certain   strategies let's look at what they did to do it 
personalization customers choose highquality items   that offer big benefits things that help them on 
their own are reasons to them personalization is   Nike's main Edge in the market it markets itself 
as a high-end exercise brand by combining Cutting   Edge technology with human psychology in order 
to get more customers with the Nik BYU product   line people can change the color of their shoes 
in 2018 the newest technology made it possible   for customers to use their phones to look at their 
feet and get the right shoe size its concept shops   which take shopping to a higher level give 
customers amazing shopping experiences if   you give your customers a personalized shopping 
experience 77 % of them will pay more and tell   their friends about you value propositions the 
company's unique value offer is one reason why   40% of customers choose Nike over competitors it 
markets its goods by emphasizing a healthy way of   life it encourages people to live a busy life 
and sells its shoes as the best way to do that   nik's running free campaign was so successful 
that they quickly made a running free line to   get people moving the marketing approach got a 
lot of people interested in the product and made   more people aware of the brand if you look at some 
of Nike's older ads you can see that the company   has been using this approach for decades it made 
jogging a trend came up with a fitness routine to   sell its gear and turned its shoes into a fashion 
statement to boost sales let's now look at this   question Mike's marketing strategy heavily relies 
on geography because a it focuses on selling its   products only in certain regions B it adapts its 
marketing to suit different sports in different   countries C it targets only specific age groups 
in different locations D it promotes its products   in different languages based on the region write 
your answers in the comment section below brand   Equity Mike is one of the few companies that has 
been at the top for a long time this is because   it has a strong name it has established its place 
in the sports Market by building a strong brand   a unique personality and a trustworthy image 
since its beginning in 1964 Mike has tried to   be linked to things like inspiration success 
and new ideas to do this they started with a   unique brand name and image they chose the name 
of a Greek goddess who stands for victory and   the swoosh logo which stands for Speed it worked 
with well-known athletes to boost the value of   its products and ran ads that inspired people to 
buy its goods millions of people use its image as   a sign of their social standing your brand Equity 
makes people think that your goods are worth more   it lets you improve the image of your brand and 
charge more for your goods storytelling the most   important part of Nike's marketing approach is 
advertising that tells a story and makes people   feel something it's how it first got people's 
attention built its image and still shows what   the brand stands for today when Nik first started 
its just to do it and in 1988 it told the story   of 80-year-old marathon runner Walt Scott in a 
simple way it's still uses the ad which was one   of its most successful ways to get people to buy 
its products it's what our girls made of Campaign   which pushed sports for women got 3 million views 
because of its positive message its find greatness   ads helped it get 55% more members and make $56 
million more money the two examples of above are   just two of many Nike uses social and sometimes 
controversial topics to get people's attention   and get them to act relevance is an important part 
of promoting and Nike makes sure to include this   in their marketing efforts if people can connect 
to the main idea and moral lesson of the ads the   message will stick with them it's one of its most 
successful tactics and has made a big difference   in how people think of the brand it is now the 
main way it markets itself in endorsements most   of the time Nike sells its sports gear through 
sponsorships and endorsements it spends billions   on sponsorship deals with well-known players and 
sports teams to get its name out there in Nike's   marketing plan famous people and people who have a 
lot of impact are important by working with people   who have been down the same road as the brand 
communication about the company will be improved   the brand gives money to certain competitors this 
is because people look up to those who have been   through hard times and come out on top Tiger Woods 
a big name in Gulf and the company signed a deal   in 1996 that made the brand worth $22 million more 
after just one game it has 4.5 million members and   makes a lot of money on its own because it has a 
deal with Tiger Woods its well-known relationship   with Michael Jordan is another great example of 
how well its advertising strategy has worked to   date it has made an average of four billion dollar 
per year from this strategy the value of mik's   brand is also helped by endorsements because 
it was linked to NFL star Colin Kaepernick all   of its true to seven shoes sold out in just a few 
hours large amounts of money for events or leisure   activities get your name in the media and let you 
talk to people in person which you can't do with   online marketing product Innovation people often 
say that Nike's product strategy works because it   focuses on making things better and improving 
performance the company thinks about what its   customers want and changes its features to fit 
the current trends because of this its customers   almost always have good things to say about the 
items it sells Bill Bowerman who started the   company was a track and field teacher who wanted 
to make Souls that might help runners run faster   his study led to the moonshoe which showed that 
people wanted shoes that were light nikei also   adds different things to its products to to stay 
ahead of the competition it has both fashion   and athletic clothes because of this approach 
the size of its Market has grown and has also   attracted New Market categories every year Mike 
makes its goods more valuable by coming up with   new designs because of this its products are very 
high quality and new e- retailing as a well-known   retailer around the world mik depends a lot on 
bulk sales but if you look closely you'll see   that it has put a lot of money into its systems 
for selling directly to Consumers because they   offer a better profit margin and also make it 
easier to build relationships with customers   since many years ago mik has always offered its 
products through reputable stores like Macy's and   Urban Outfitters but as online shopping grew 
in popularity it learned about the benefits   of direct to consumer marketing and shifted its 
focus to e-commerce sales since then its d2c sales   have gone from 15% to 30 8% it changed its whole 
marketing strategy in 2017 and started cutting   ties with a number of important Partners to focus 
on its stores and online shops as a result of the   move it gained millions of customers through 
its shopping app and online stores M promises   that shopping online will be easy fun and 
stress-free M's online shopping site has   a lot of great features bold branding on websites 
smart products suggestions detail oriented product   filtering loyalty programs at the moment Nike 
thinks that internet channels will make up 50%   of its sales marketing on social media by far the 
most people follow Nike on social media because   it is the most well-known brand in the world 
most of what it posts gets good comments from   its followers and about half of what it tweets is 
shared more than once look at Nike's social media   pages to see how much the company has has grown in 
popularity on Twitter 9.7 million people follow it   and on Instagram 279 million people do these are 
the two sites with the most followers across all   social media sites more than 300 accounts are kept 
up to date many big companies do have power over a   lot of sites but Niki takes it a step further by 
making different pages for its products different   types of customers and different parts of 
the world this lets it quickly create ads   that reach the right people and send them to its 
product websites it keeps its fans very happy by   giving them interactive tasks by making programs 
like the chance and fuel your team Nike connects   directly with its fans gets a lot of attention 
and grows its reach Mike's plan for marketing on   social media includes the following collaborate 
with well-known people participate in consumer   conversations using user generated material share 
your stories on different social media sites most   of Nike's social media strategies are not that 
different from those of other big companies   it has only been able to build a stronger online 
footprint by using tools for interacting on social   media so if you want to use Nike's marketing 
strategies you need to figure out who your target   audience is how to reach them and what they need 
from you also remember to sell ideas not things

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