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all right all right all right cono guys
up Jim I got some out there that I run in the movies / let's move / now if you
this is my Empire parole and by traffic academy if you want to learn how to set
up your facebook campaign from scratch and you want to start their attorneys
are this is the first campaign that I'm working on is already build about to the
reasons for lead we're going down to below one dollar holdings essentially
and we've done before we do it again alright so as you can see me you're
following me to a journey of killing optimizing ads that are working and
moving those that are not working and things like that right so as you can see
I have five that our money and I just admitted five but I'm trying to create
those that will keep working and will keep directly at the right numbers and
elementals that their work eventually it's going to average out to less than a
dollar per lead and I'll keep that going essentially if you contribute one dollar
per lead and you can use that and that one dollar can lead can't on to two
dollars revenue in your pocket you're in the business of printing money right and
business as simple as that and you can scale out you can scale in if you
actually if you sell a product that the market actually need you can sell you
while you cannot track the folger things like that so that's what we're here if
you're a real estate investor you can actually build a list that you can
monetize heavily and you'll attract opportunities deal you can close your
first deal without changing I wanna do on the streets like an average horse
teller okay there's one more information about that you will see a link to
download my actual muy 15 checklist two steps to six we got six and seven
fingers and then description box ticking monthly of it now well let's get into
this so I typically look at my data here in the act manager to be interested in
people my age are we going to details from set up to actually making money so
but here i use power editor okay euskara edit on Elysium is just ridiculous
things off here and i'm going to refresh my power editor or so you can see what's
going I essentially i want to just duplicate the ads that are working
and it's as simple as that and I'll come back tomorrow I'll see the ones that I
but I've not generate the leaf below two dollars okay saying no results I don't
know what that is probably an arrow but here we go right so there we go so we
have some that I wanted right here like to sometimes it happens like this don't
don't shiver when this Apple C 1 2 3 4 right right so here we go so you see I
just selected all of them and essentially what I'm looking to do is
I'm just going to duplicate okay so they need to get another fight but I'm going
to test for this tomorrow simply we want to get to the size of the portfolio's
like you do this in stock market right once i get to the size of the campaign
that i want i would use 20 presents i would and they are running very well at
a price that's profitable for me i would take twenty percent of the size of the
cochlea user to test new ads to content is apple and less process the endless
perpetual process so i can continue to find new opportunities in the
marketplace in the facebook marketing inventory right so i'm going to
duplicate right look we create right and and it's as simple as this all right
simple simple simple and when I once i do that i'm going to go to each one of
the new ones you see coffee in front of them and i'm going to change the
targeting so i can set some new targeting is out as well as we're moving
a long way and by the way i'm going to be you see where it says messenger this
is a stuff we're going to be testing out in the future as well all right by the
way website or messenger is put a good dubstep songs anyways over a sample
complex so i'm going to say let's see some little scroll down all the target
is already where I needed to be at the plea to change this one so i will set
out something else so i'm still testing religion which is a targeting which is a
google that a lot of people in my target market
target markets swallow right so then I'm gonna go here and then we're going to do
it here good boom right so now we're going to get some s1 here so that's one
on one here so pretty much Facebook suggest another targeting for you thats
related to what you already have going that's already performing right and you
want to get to test that out 45 minutes is coming up here that's another network
marketing company why am I charging network marketing company because
there's a lot of people in that company moves when that company I'll never trade
how to market so they need my help especially and if they don't learn how
to market it with you as simple as that I didn't know how to market individually
to fill no matter how much they learn how to choose family and friends soft
family and friends they would still point blank ok I mean some of you may
even be watching this video and you fall in that category and you wonder like oh
my god he's like yes I'm like a nun like to click on the link below and get
inside you should actually go all the way through manteca test lab class
system for seven dollars and go all the way to push any yourself and learn how
to make it valid out of the day as you're building your five links or
whatever business you're building right so here we go on another one right here
multi-level marketing metal an interest that people have sold facebook in the
past that we follow so people would suggest in there you target direct
selling right let me see the knowledge number one here we're second son I
always look at I need to see a 10,000 or more in this number right I need to see
10,000 or more in this number so feeders are all good good numbers right so
direct selling is seven million that's a lot of people a lot of people so for me
to test without I'm going to do something with this week right here a
lot select this one but I'm going to be restricted by only people that are
similar the people that are picking me up on this offer and I'm going to scroll
up here i'm going to say include it could look like so people that look like
people that are ticking me off on the and that will make that would give me 65
thousand as opposed to 234 those are 65,000 laser targeted facebook knows
that the people are more likely to take me up on the offer and let me send
someone to them so wanted them more likely to take you up on the offer so
pretty much people record all the people that I've taken me up on the other one
learn how to set that up you want to go all the way inside into Empire a classic
academia is only ninety seven dollars per month or you can pick two thousand
dollars for lifetime okay alright so here we go boom alright so well i'm
going to say plus look like so that's the target name is actually the targeted
here is actually direct selling but it can to be plus you look alive right
someone say this note a plus look alike right just like an address so that's a
little good trick that you can use to create leave the target stuff out here
okay i'm going to select this one let's see here or scroll down again so i'm
going to go to select now everything i'm doing here is how i created the ones
that are for formula one very simple right then you keep the one that people
for me that you take the other one there is not the phony place so anything that
that's spent over two dollars that has not generated elite i'll pick them off
if you generate this too doll if you spent two dogs or you can either at
least one leads i'll let you go up to four dollars before i pick you up okay
very simple okay and everything that we give out to the numbers you saw earlier
which is right here to the office secretion so you can see here or i have
90 here 19 here these prices are a bit on the high end for thats ok i will find
those that will be good sign goes on right not only that every time I come
here to three can create a new way around the ad the ads tac right or to
essentially a few more and more similar good here I already have this running as
you can see I have one one in here and do I have a savvy no I
don't put up Stephanie last few days or do I have a mongoose example although I
don't send of select that one right now I think I've said in the past few days
to but doesn't hurt to test the game may you have Danny Johnson you have john
chow all right we have some people here don't y'all have to a thousand people
never marketing floor is another targeting right in there what venture TX
211 we cut out for adventures right another minimum yeah I'm going to test
what winter will leave i'm an example for now right alright so i want to go
there right and and and then just one more way we'll go here i'm going to go
here so here we are melaleuca by salad all
the things that are similar legend s global which is a very active MLM
company right now the matter fact all the people need our help because this
companies will not strain them on how to market we can use our help and so we let
this investor network marketers any samples business that needs more
customers need our help as Empire classic academic right we're very
hands-on with your people so that's why we do this so we're talking with them
add now if you are trying to do your business people we're going to show you
exactly how the targeted people that are more likely to survive as far as they
already hanging out on Facebook that make sense so the targeting were on
point already with the target right we're already on fun with the target now
we can also i'm going to continue to watch this flock look alike if you
continue to perform very well we'll just make all our if you have better the
right people already taken up was on this offers while you see conversion
rates here right why not just target you that look like people that are kicking
off on the awful right you just make sense right so i'm going to go to the
admin level right here right to the ad level right here and i see that i have
some here so i'm going to create all new ads right all five new ads with added on
all of them they also like that the brand new ads we could edit and i'm
going to pretty much that it's the part of them the part that i need to edit
right so so some of the things already here so you see here with a string value
that's one will see me and you one so three dash 50-point chances of
succeeding 13 / 15 one checklist 60s right checklist so i'm going to say now here
I'm going to take those bonus ok so here this is a dash right I'm going to go to
the next line what's the bottom three steps recessed and rolling rolling want
to to Billy into your business alright so into your business ok so it is a
quick slogan that we use can like make America great again cast like yet we can
some let's see you know into your business the exceptional only wants to
do into the business what would this what would be what opportunity learn
this to your organization relation oh no talking Emily fine for spamming
strangers or Chinese changes on facebook social media will you use basil by the
way in their ads you have to make sure that you specify their food knock well
like even exist so I guess all sufficiently a fish please download feel free to share
accuracy to share with your relationship so I'm gonna say that share or tag
you're in addition to what so some people would want the offline the down
line to check reserve just goes can send it to the robot and your organization
members so the very subtle message is nothing like gracia it's only six to
what they want people want to enroll between their base and you trying to get
deeply into your business people want to have a better lifestyle all the same
method it uses little bit stressed out ok so here I'm going to say looking for
that ok come on dash colon yes and put that there to put some contracts to see
in this visually 50 as a matter of fact that it's a better path that I can use a
Akai one but I'm going to leave it for someone put this on another line I'm
going to put this in another line I press shift + Enter to go to another
line ok I don't think you have to do that I'm not sure either way feel free
to share with or tag your organization members thanks very sure Adam thanks
because you know II thanks have something about to the point just bring
your wall down right sure I do that and actually use the download link here you
know just the messages please the message around a little bit when i give
this message and name right so this message i'll give it a name so let me
see what it say I'm gonna say it for fun oh ok so I'm going to go on this out
here XX + fun what woman right and I actually going to use that also in
tracking facebook has a way of telling me which I
can also teach you on the inside of interactions Academy so here where it
says here you have this to c equals to write info on the car FB chat emoticons
on facebook now put it that way I know which ad is performing once it shows up
in my CRM okay alright so that's that um let's see here a little over three years
all right so pretty much physical habits at the end of the link every four or
whatever added is right well born of incest and rolling or show here i'm
actually going to test something out so i'm going to say instead of three steps
to enrolling i'm gonna put this out this top-of-the-line the save is you put this
at the top of the line and roll one to two daily use the sponsor over 2,000
personnel you see our phones right we'll say 33 15 20 shepherds look so this one
here I don't want to repeat myself I want it to do with done done some of the
best here there you go it's a little cleaner right so it's a movable elbows
really that's pretty much more like the name of the set so you just show me to
it okay I just to it up and that happens sometimes nachos ideas removal ever
wanted to Billy I'm going to go to the link tracking will factor here and I
want to put that I begin here because I want my partners and languages to be
able to see when they receive a lead where it came from right so enroll 122
daily is a big deal for the top market and you want to find out what the
big deal is for your target market okay so if I was talking with left if
investors a wholesaler right now like cause you first deal within the next 30
days pull your first deal without chasing cash buyers right things like
that that's what it will be no matter what to be you know train your dog
without having to spend 90 days training your dog expectedly you wouldn't max
many days whatever you that's a big deal for your target market should be the
core of the message across right so that's that right there so once i'm done
like that i think it's it's a lap you know i just review i mean i don't know
how long that spent here if I was a reporting this is a lot less time that I
spent doing it and and your business is running daily if you have a digital
business now if you have another type of business where you have to deliver a day
you can see that less than 30 minutes a day to bring more flying through the
door but it's absolutely worth it you have more peace of mind bills are paid
and all right to build up a very potent so if you pending review so facebook is
going to essentially review and they were proved once they approve them see
how they do we'll match one to two days again if I see two dollars and you
haven't brought them any meat as an ad they get your going off if I see a lead
but you spent more than two dollars I will keep it on and all right until it's
four dollars right for leave it is for more than four door for me there are
definitely going on if you know it leaves in less than two dollars that's
my dream come true Democrat alright cool that's all i have for you as you can see
let's eat some of them get a food sometimes you see them getting a food
immediately because facebook also develop its trust factor for your
account and but we typically have happen to you yet smart will get only 50 on
right 2064 alright so that's what i have for you hopefully this is making sense
as you're building along and you have any questions you want to set up your
own campaign you simply just want to go to the link below and go all the way
through make diffuser by now available on itunes and youtube com
watch through interview with the link inside of the post and please subscribe
today thanks