How To Market Your Business On Social Media

If you want more eyes on your business and more 
sales in your bank account social media marketing   is the way to go. In this video, let's talk about 
how to market your business on social media. Here's the thing, I want to let you in on a 
big secret. There are three main objectives   to keep in mind with marketing your business 
on social media and if you don't have this   then your strategy is broken. Then I'm going to 
share with you three proven tactics for landing   clients, growing your business, getting clients 
that even you love to work with and that love   to pay you. What are the objectives of social media 
marketing? I am so glad you asked, there's three of them.  You ready for it? Lead generation, lead nurture 
and lead conversion.

If you don't have those   then your business is broken, and you're just 
creating content for the sake of content, and   you're going to keep running on this hamster 
wheel, and you and your business deserve way   more than that. Every single piece of content you 
create to market your business on social media   should be reaching and accomplishing one of these 
three or all of these three. Lead generation, lead   nurture, and lead conversion. Every single piece 
of content should be reverse engineering what it   is that you have to sell and how is that piece of 
content either generating, nurturing or converting.  Sometimes they can even be leading to all three. 
For example, I might have a post where I'm telling   a story about a strategy that I use that changed 
my life, that changed my business, that helped me   to make more money and I could say, "Click the link 
below to get access to this thing.

I'm going to   give it to you for free today." That post, that piece 
of content, because it has a strong call to action   is going to generate a lead. Because they can click 
through that call to action and they can join   my email list. Which then, they are going to 
be nurtured. But even if I back up to that   post itself where I'm telling a really 
engaging story that I've created it with   the strategy in mind.

That I want to give them 
this epiphany, that they walk away with thinking,   "That's the way that I can now also get this 
result." It's nurturing them before I've even   generated that lead and then the conversion comes 
on the back end after they've opted into my email   list and maybe I have a nurturing email sequence 
that then brings them towards purchasing. You know,   a consulting call with me or purchasing one of my 
courses and that's the conversion.

So think about   how every single piece of content is accomplishing 
one or all of those three, lead generation,   lead nurture, and lead conversion. I would recommend 
you actually write that down on a sticky note,   put it beside your computer. So that you keep that 
in mind and never forget that when you're creating   content. Because we are not here to create content 
for the sake of content. That's like throwing   spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. We're 
not about that. We are doing this intentionally to   grow our businesses, right? After hearing 
that I want to know what you think about that?  Have you ever thought about that before? Have 
you unintentionally been just creating content   for the sake of content or have you been using 
these three? Let me know in the comments below.   Having an effective social media marketing 
strategy is so important, why? Because this isn't   a hobby, this is a business. We're not doing this 
just for fun although, your business should be fun.   We want to be creating something that is going to 
give us an ROI a return on investment.

A return on   energy, a turn on the money that we invest, a return 
on the time that we invest. Ideally, we want to   be able to reach more people and you know it's 
kind of funny when I hear people talk about you know get rich quick schemes. I'm not trying to 
help you get rich slowly either. So when you have a   strategy that's going to be the fastest path to 
cash, to growing your business, to reaching more   people, and making the impact that you want to 
make, and social media marketing can be one of   the most effective ways.

Because our audiences are 
on social media all the time and if we know how   to utilize that to reach them, to give them value, 
and then to lead gen, lead nurture, and convert them   into a customer. That's how we're going to grow and 
that's how we're also going to be able to make our   impact in the world. By allowing them to grow in 
the ways that our products and services provide.   So just posting, just creating content, spray and 
pray, putting it out, throwing spaghetti at the wall.

That's not a strategy. Again, go back to lead 
generation, lead nurture, and lead conversion,   that is your strategy. So even if you're brand 
new to business. You might be thinking, "Well, how   do I create a strategy if I've never done 
this before? I got to test my content." Absolutely, but you're also going to test your content 
with intention. As a new business or an existing   business these following tips are going to be 
really important for you, to make sure that you   have them in place. First of all, is your branding 
so that people can recognize you. If I were to say   to you right now, just do it. What does that make 
you think of? Nike, right? If I showed you these   golden arches. What would that make you think of?
McDonald's, right? They have these images or they   have this slogan that is recognizable all over the 
world. Think about how you can create your branding   to be memorable for your audience. Something that 
they resonate with. Something that they get a   feeling about. I mean, I don't know about you but 
I think about Nike, and I think about athleticism,   I think about excellence, I think about hard work 
and determination, and perseverance.

I think about   McDonald's and I think about happy meals. I loved 
having meals as a kid. It made me happy. It was   this like fun experience with my brother, my little 
brother, or my parents, or my friends. You know, the   birthday parties and the jungle gyms and stuff.
It's a fun experience for me. What do you want   your business to be about and how can you make 
sure that everything you put out on social media   is aligned with that branding? The other piece of 
creating your branding is going to be the stories   that you tell.

So I recommend for every client that 
I ever work with or for anyone that ever listens   to these videos to create a story inventory. Write 
that down, story inventory. What is your story?  You have multiple stories. You have your origin 
story of how you came to be who you are today.  What was the thing that encouraged you 
to grow or start this business that you have,   and what are the pivotal moments along the way 
that taught you lessons or shaped you into who   you are today? I would actually recommend having a 
google doc or a huge notebook where you just brain   dump all of your stories. This might be childhood 
lessons, it might be experiences with your family,   it might be you discovering your expertise or your 
skills, or what it was that encouraged you to start   this business that you have today, and anytime you 
create a piece of content you can go to your story   inventory and share one of those stories in your 
content, that people are going to resonate with.

The reason why I urge you to tell stories in 
your content is because stories stand the test   of time. Stories have been brought through from 
generation to generation. The things that carry   on our culture or generations of wisdom is the 
stories that we tell and that we carry on, and as   you tell these stories people resonate with them.
They're captivated, they move in closer,   they want to hear them. Think about your favorite 
movies that you love to watch.

You're following a   storyline. You're connecting with the protagonist 
the main character. You're on the edge of your   seat watching them as they go through their trials 
and their tribulations and by the end of the movie   why do you feel that adrenaline rush or sometimes 
that like serotonin or dopamine hit? That you just   love this character that you fall in love with 
over the last like an hour and a half to two hours.  Well, it's because you've watched their journey 
from start to finish. It's that you watch them   hit rock bottom. You watch them climb their way up 
and because of that, you cheer louder when they win.   Whether that means they got the girl or landed 
the dream job or won the race. You got to see   what they went through and you resonate with them.
Whether you've been in the same experience or that   you can relate to something similar that you've 

When you can share that through your   content that's going to create this undeniable 
connection with your audience. You know, I see a   lot of new businesses focus too much on fun facts 
and tidbits, instead of going deep into the stories.   When I first started my business I was a social 
media manager and I was also a full-time dental   hygienist. That was one of my first jobs is, 
I was doing social media for the dental office   I worked at and sure I could have made posts about 
how many times a day to brush your teeth and   and fun facts about cavities and fluoride 
and stuff. But that's not the stuff that makes   people stop scrolling.

That's not the stuff that 
captivates them and makes them think about it   for for days on end. The stuff that makes them stop 
what they're doing and pay attention is the story. So, I would find stories from the people at our 
office or I would make up a funny story about   our office goldfish and that's the thing that 
gets a reaction. So think about that as you're   creating your content. There's nothing wrong with 
sharing those fun facts and those tidbits. But can   you tie it into a story that people will actually 
stop the scroll and pay attention to? Now before  I tell you about my proven tactics to landing your 
dream clients through social media. Make sure that   you hit that subscribe button. If you're an 
entrepreneur and you're looking to up-level   and grow and scale your business, make sure 
to subscribe. Because I'm putting out videos   like this every week. Okay, how to land your dream 
clients on social media? I have three tactics I'm   going to share with you. The first one is a strong 
call to action at the end of every single video.

Remember when I was giving the example about lead 
generation. Maybe I tell this really great story   and I segue it into giving them the answer to that 
if they click the link below and they get the PDF, or the ebook or they watch the next video
or they sign up for a webinar. Whatever that thing   is that next step that I want them to take. By 
telling them what to do, by inviting them, that is   a call to action. That's me saying, "Here's the next 
step that you can take to get more value from me.   Click the link below." It's a strong call to action. 
When I first started creating content on social   media I didn't know what that was. I didn't 
know that I'm supposed to tell them what to   do next. I think I kind of assumed like, "Well, if 
they like the video, maybe they'll subscribe or   maybe they'll reach out to me, maybe they'll email me."  
You can't assume that because they don't know   that they're supposed to do that or they don't 
have a reason to.

You have to give them a reason to act.  So having a strong call to action telling them 
where to go, that's where you also get to actively   pursue that relationship. It's like being on a date 
with somebody, if you were on a date and you wanted   to have that second date. I mean, sure you can 
play hard to get but they might also be thinking,   "Did that even go well? Do they like me? Should 
this go anywhere?", and then what if that's   like a misconnection. Instead, just ask for the 
second date, ask them to take action click the   link below, join your email list and continue 
that relationship. Speaking of dating, the next   concept that I love to share is know, like, trust. 
Your audience to be able to take that action   needs to know you, like you, and trust you, and I 
use this dating analogy to create that image for you.   That you're not just going right in for the 

You're nurturing your audience through   this valuable content. So that when you do have 
that call to action it's a no-brainer. Because   they know you, they like you, they trust you. if you 
didn't take the effort to date your audience. It would be the equivalent of someone coming up to 
you on the street and being like, "Hey want to get   married?". You're like, "I don't know you. You don't 
know my last name. You haven't taken me to dinner."   You gotta get to know your audience and they need 
to get to know you, and that's by creating valuable   content.

Now, that's not to say that you can't have 
calls to action your content right from the get-go.   But that you lead with value before you bring 
them to a call to action, and the way we do that   is through the third tactic that I like to call 
the 80/20 rule. Now this can be 80% and 20% in one piece of content or it can be 80/20 in 
your whole content structure. So an example is   you know the post example that I gave you before.
Where I told a story and that's like 80 percent of   the post and 20 percent of the post was the call 
to action.

So I led with value, I told them a story   that hopefully tugged at their heartstrings or 
showed them the path and painted that that picture   of what life could be like if they follow this 
strategy that I'm about to tell them when they   click the link below. So having the 80/20 rule is 
going to be really important for building that   know like trust factor. Dating your audience and 
leading to the call to action in a way that isn't   abrasive like going straight for the proposal. 
So remember all in all lead with lead generation, lead   nurture, and lead conversion.

When you have that 
in mind with every piece of content you create   that's what's going to boost brand loyalty and 
sales. If you want to learn more about creating   content that converts into cash flow and builds a 
raving audience for you. I have a training on just   the thing. If you click the link below you can get 
free access to my next training, I'll see you there..

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