Tax Free: How to Reduce Your Online Marketing Tax to 0%

According to international text laws,
makes him qualified to be a UAE tax resident. So which means that there will be 0% tax. This is John. So he's an advanced
ecommerce marketer earning about $1 million a year. $1.4 million a year.
Now the current facts, he's 29 years old. He's a digital nomad. So he doesn't
live in a particular country for more than six months in a year, which means he
doesn't really qualify for being a tax resident of a particular country. Now he is
currently a UK national and he was running business via company set up in UK, and
he was paying corporation in personal taxes in the UK as well.
He owned $1.4 million worth of revenue but the take home profits were just $465k.
Pretty significant. Some of this was taken down as the corporation tax and
personal tax. Now our solution? Again, we offered him the same. We offered him a
company set up in Dubai and he just ran all the business through the company set
up in Dubai. We changed the billing operations to bring the VAT paid down
to 0% on all the media costs.

Now, he took a UAE residence permit
because he's a digital nomad. So he doesn't really live in UAE for six
months in a year, but he does have a strong economic time with the UAE, so he
basically owns a property in the UAE, which according to international tax
laws, makes him qualifies to be a UAE tax resident, which means that
there will be 0% tax. So he ended up paying 0% corporate tax
and he ended up paying 0% personal tax..

As found on YouTube
