2 More Ways to Make Your Marketing Videos Pop | Marketing Tips | Peter Thomson

hello there over the course of this video I'm going to share with you two cracking ideas really gonna make a difference for the videos that you create whether that's video for marketing or videos for content the first idea is going to increase the the warmth the feeling of your video a really important point and the second idea is going to increase the engagement level with your video which is always important regardless whether it's content or the generation hi there – Peter Thompson I'm delighted to be with you and have this opportunity to share with you some tried and tested and proven ideas on creating videos I've been creating videos now for the last 15 years of the 27 years I've been sharing my knowledge experience and expertise and take with an ever-increasing audience across the world and over that time I have made two absolutely terrible videos I've made some that were raised more and I've made a couple just a couple that I felt were pretty darn good and really really did what I wanted them to do and it's through making all of those mistakes some of them silly mistakes some of them perhaps weren't not so silly that I realized that there is a way to make really good videos you and I know that one of the most overused words in marketing these days is this word the word authentic however it's probably the best word to describe what we need to be when we are creating videos so let's content of item number one which is how do you increase the warmth strange we're thinking about how do you increase the warmth of your videos in other words how do you increase the the natural feel of them well here's a cracking way to do it some years ago I lived in this fantastic house there's a picture of it called Haven site just a beautiful place isn't it this was shortly before and shortly after I'd sold our business that I'd built up over a number of years what I was living there there was one room in the house the lounge or living room which was a large room which had this amazing feeling to it it had this sort of warmth of this comfortableness when you walked in and when you sat in that room there was something different about it I found out what it was but I found out I asked an architect friend of mine about this room and I said what is it that makes this room and you and he laughed and told me and he said Peter what it is is the fact that the room is not in linear proportion in other words first it wasn't a square room it was an oblong room but he said the walls are slightly out of square rather than being exactly square and he's just slightly yeah that was a bit taller on that one he said because in those days when the house was built in many many years ago people did this and they realized this was a walnut house and they did that to give this feeling of warmth whereas a very square room a very oblong room you know all the lines are exactly where they should be could be can be cold at times so one of the ways that this relates to our videos is this if you sit in the middle of the screen like this I'm gonna move now I'm gonna get moved to the middle of the screen so if you sit right bang in the middle of the screen that's colder everything's in proportion is the same amount of space here as there is there however if you sit off-center like this and I've actually sat this side on purpose today normally I don't sit at the side I'd do it afterwards when I'm editing the video but for today for demonstration I've moved myself around so I'm just gonna check on my screen yeah I'm in the right place there so let me bring up a grid over the screen for you so you can exceed exactly what I'm looking to achieve and you can see what I want to achieve is that my eyeline is exactly on the horizontal thirds and that my body line is exactly on the vertical thirds if you notice on news programs particularly a number of other TV programs when somebody's talking to camera you'll notice that this is how its set up and the reason is there's a couple of reasons for it and one of which we're gonna go into more detail today by the way oh by the way in just a moment or two I'm gonna show you how you can add this is the second way of making your videos more engaging by the way now you can add either your PowerPoint slides or your keynote slides or anything else into your videos to make them even more engaging and fairly and I found they will convert better because there's more happening on the screen you can bring them as a video but for today we're going to talk about bring them into stills but I get to that in a moment or two so as you can see I'm sat on the Third's I'm clearly on the eyeline and I'm on the body line now the great thing about this is I'm moving on to our second idea it gives you this fantastic space on the side here which knowing it's going to be there when I've edited it I can refer to it so for example let's say I'm speaking to I use Kino rather than PowerPoint most of the time let's say I've got a keynote slide that I'm going to be delivering from slide deck and so my position those slides exactly behind the camera so let me just change my eye focus slightly they're not actually there at the moment cuz I don't need them but let's imagine they were I wouldn't do this I wouldn't put the slides over there I wouldn't put them down there or there and it wouldn't put them there and I wouldn't put them so close to the camera like this watch my eyes move I wouldn't put them there and start talking there because it looks weird I would put that screen that I was going to work from behind the camera so that I can look here and with a slight focus change even I'm still looking at the camera I'm looking behind the camera now to the actual presentation that is good or if you're not going to do that obviously what you can do is to bring them up on an angle screen in front of you so you can actually see them in that way but looking off unless you do deliberately the way that you've seen me do it before and today I've got my notes here let me just have a look now that's very natural if you were sat cross this table from me I'm working off a table here not a desk if you were SATA cable as we're talking to each other now it would be perfectly natural for me to look down and say well the next thing I'd like to share with you that would be perfectly natural wouldn't it I wouldn't go the next thing I wouldn't try and not look down and try just be natural about it be sorry for the overuse would be authentic about it too so the way to do that is firstly to know that you're going to bring in the PowerPoint or keynote slides so you can refer to them so I can do things like this well as you can see and isn't that lovely to be able to do that and at the point of doing it and I'll make it happen now a slide comes in so you can see that what we're talking about today is using the thirds and there it is there now you might decide that you actually want to be on the other side and you go all the way over here and then you do this point to here and you can do it in this way I have seen things done in that way I've seen variety videos done it's my preference to do it this way and there's another special reason for this and this is a real bit of insider stuff so it can point there when you're looking into the camera you're obviously from the reverse point of view from the person who's looking at you if I think about you and I think about the sort of people who watch my videos then about 11% of the population is left-handed as it happens I can't write quite well with my left hand because I do practice or I'm naturally right-handed but a practice with my left hand for a right-handed person most of them not all of them the future is on their right hand side now my right hand side is here but if I do that on video and say well let's go to the future together and I did it this side it would look really weird so what I have to do is I have to go to this side my left so it becomes your right on the basis that most of the population is right-handed and for most people their future is either straight in front of them or to their right which is my left this is exactly the same if you're standing on stage you've got to change it round and know that this is the future so knowing that I often want to put things in the future so therefore I sit on this side of the camera usually I've done it afterwards rather than actually sit here during the day I just feel it's right in and then fiddle back with it later but for the moment as you can see I'm doing it so I could put a picture here that represents the future if I wanted to so look at those four three cracking ideas number one it said to be – but it we drifted into a third one number one is to make it warm by being off-center she recall it so it's not all dead straight lines and all the rest of it sitting particularly on that third both the eye line and the vertical line the second idea obviously is to create this space for yourself so that you've got place where you can put something in there are you exporting your slides and the way that you do that is this you export your slides as JPEGs forgot to say this bit you can put export your slides as JPEGs and you put them in afterwards but by dragging them on to the timeline and clicking on them and making them picture-in-picture that's all you do is put them on the timeline select them go to the drop down menu and make them picture-in-picture I'm talking about my movie because I use a Mac and I use iMovie I'm sure it's as simple as that in other programs as well so then you can have your stuff over there and then the third thing is to make sure that when you're talking about the future or the past that you're making sure it's on the right side for the person that is watching you rather than for you so for example as I say to you now if you've got any comments on this by the way just say I'm going to do this with my hand there because I'm gonna bring up something in just here it's gonna be some words gonna say add your comments below or something like that so please put some comments there saying as I'm doing that the words are coming on-screen so that's all that it's a JPEG that actually to PNG that won't there's no background on it that I've brought in there and then I'm going to use my usual out reduction which is this so I continue to wish you every success in life as you have freedom from you see that was in the past your past not my past is my future over here I'll say it again so I continued to wish you every success as you have freedom from everything that may have held you back and freedom to be do and half that's in the future there isn't there to be do and have whatever you set your heart and mind upon I certainly always enjoy putting these together for you I hope you've got some great comments let's get into a dialogue about this if there's any way that I can help you in your business just put comments and I come back to you or one of my team will and for the moment bye for now thanks for watching subscribe and hit the notification bill for more videos then click to watch the next video remember to visit our website at Peter Thomson calm and download your FREE copy of my latest book as a writer of business book in five days or name until next time every supreme [Music]

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