How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency In 2024 With NO EXPERIENCE!

I want to show you how to start a digital 
marketing agency and go from zero to ten   thousand dollars per month even if you have no 
marketing experience no Tech skills no money to   get started and without investing into some 
997 dollar course seriously guys you do not   need to invest in one of these paid programs in 
order to start your own digital marketing agency   all right you can go through and get started 
and actually scale up to ten thousand dollars   per month with 100 free content I know that 
because I've had a number of members watching   my channel right here off of the free videos 
that I post on YouTube get to ten thousand   dollars per month and to top that if you guys 
smash the like button hang around with me here   to the end of this video I'll actually hook 
you guys up with a 100 free course it's going   to walk you through everything step by step in 
more detail with the exact sales templates the   sales scripts how to go through and get clients 
fulfilled for clients everything step by step   now in this video what I want to do is I want 
to show you guys a few free ways to get your   first clients and then how to fulfill for those 
clients and how to fulfill for those clients at   scale and know that you're going to get results 
for those clients every single time even if you   have no existing marketing experience now I 
know that's a bold statement to say but I like   to leverage systems and software so you remove a 
lot of the human error when you're going through   and setting these things up because if we're 
relying on systems and software then you can   consistently get results time and time again now 
if you guys are brand new here the channel my name   is Jason wardrop back in 2015 I started my own 
digital marketing agency I was working with real   estate professionals I scaled that business from 
zero to over 15 000 paying clients and then in   2021 I actually exited that business and I am now 
here on YouTube to share with you guys everything   that worked so if you're looking to start your 
own social media marketing agency you can do   so without all of the trial and error that I went 
through that I can just give you guys the shortcut   to getting clients fulfilling for those clients 
and actually scaling that business in a successful   way all right now let's just really quick break 
down the digital marketing agency business in a   nutshell and then we'll show you guys some free 
ways to get your first clients how to fulfill   for those clients I'm going to actually jump on 
my computer show you guys exactly where to click   what softwares to use everything step by step all 
right so first of all the business in a nutshell   what we're doing is we're helping small 
local business owners I helped real estate   professionals this works for any industry though 
you can work with Dennis chiropractors massage   therapists really whatever you want to go through 
and connect with and then what we're going to do   is we're going to help them with their marketing 
basically we're going to help them get more leads   get more clients because at the end of the day we 
just want to help them make more money and then   for these marketing services that we're providing 
we are going to charge them anywhere between 300   to 500 per month now wait you're probably thinking 
well Jason normally people say charge fifteen to   two thousand dollars per month for this digital 
marketing agency and with that you only need five   to six clients to make ten thousand dollars per 
month and you're right most of the online gurus   say that but also most of the online gurus are 
not actually doing this they went through they   made ten thousand dollars per month once and 
now they're just coaching people which is a   much easier business model they didn't actually go 
through the day-to-day grind like you're going to   be going through all right because when I went 
through and I got started I tried that model   I tried charging fifteen hundred to two thousand 
dollars per month and I had some success initially   and I scaled the business but then guess what 
happened those small local business owners cannot   afford 1500 to 2 000 per month month in and month 
out so you get a client on and two to three months   later they cancel all right so what we want to do 
is we want to leverage software and systems and so   we can scale our business and remove ourselves 
from spending tons of hours and hours in the   business and we can leverage all the Fulfillment 
with these simple services that we can set up once   that take about five minutes to set up and then we 
get paid three to five hundred dollars per month   on a monthly ongoing basis and guess what three to 
five hundred dollars per month is something these   small business owners can actually afford and 
you can afford it too because we're leveraging   software we're not selling your time as a service 
all right so that is the best thing about the way   I teach it and show and how I've actually gone 
through and built my own business all right now   I'm going to share with you guys a few free ways 
to go through and get clients right here but like   I said I've got dozens of other ways to go and 
get clients things that I've actually personally   used not just theoretical things that people talk 
about on YouTube because they're click bait and   they get people to actually click but things I've 
actually done that really work okay so like I said   if you guys stick around with me here to the end 
this video smash the like button I'll share with   you guys that free course that's going to show you 
guys everything step by step so the very first way   that I recommend if you've decided to go through 
and start your own marketing agency is you have   to let people know just because you committed in 
your mind doesn't mean that other people know and   so other other people are willing to help you 
but they have to know what you're doing so the   first thing I like to do is post on social media 
whether that's Facebook or Instagram wherever you   have some friends collected and say hey look I'm 
starting my own marketing agency I'm going to be   working with real estate professionals if you 
know any real estate professionals would love   to jump on a call and help them out and honestly 
this works for any industry but I like the real   estate industry because literally everyone knows 
a realtor and if you don't know a realtor honestly   if you just go talk to the next person that 
you see and ask them if they know realtor and   I guarantee you they are going to know a realtor 
just because there's so many realtors in the world   all right and so that's the first thing is go 
through and post on social media let people   know and honestly that takes like two minutes to 
do and so now what we're going to do is Leverage   The Next Step which is also leveraging social 
media and that is Facebook groups and Linkedin   groups and that's how I got started and I have a 
podcast when I interview a ton of other successful   social media marketing agency owners and I say 
you know if you were to start all over again   what would you do to get your first clients and 
I would say 90 of them responded with I would   start leveraging Facebook groups because guys 
these Facebook groups also LinkedIn groups they   are gold mines because let's say you're working 
with real estate professionals like me well there   are Facebook groups with thousands or tens of 
thousands of real estate professionals inside of   these groups so if you want to connect with real 
estate professionals there's not a better place   to go and connect with them right and then also 
inside of my free course I have literally the copy   and paste posts that we go through impulse inside 
of these Facebook groups to get people basically   saying yes I'm interested let's connect and then 
on top of that I like to go through and make some   posts they're not going to be spammy because if 
you do a Spam post then what happens is they ban   you they kick you out of the group and it's not 
going to work anyway right but once you're in   the group you have access to the members list of 
that group and so I start going adding members   um as friends in that group because now I start 
adding them as members and you can actually put   them in a customized friends list on Facebook 
so now you're adding all these friends and let's   say we'll continue with the real estate example 
because that's where the industry that I was in   you could say these are my real estate friends 
and you start adding them to this list so now   when you make posts on your timeline you can 
say hey I don't want everyone to see this post   I only want my real estate friends to see this 
post and so now when you're talking about your   marketing business you're not having to spam your 
grandma your high school friends you know your   high school girlfriend or boyfriend or whoever it 
was right you could just show these posts to those   friends and then also you can drop in their 
DMS and start conversations and start these   engagements to start the conversation to see hey 
do they need help with their marketing which a lot   of these small business owners they do they all 
can use more leads they all can use more business   more sales more money at the end of the day all 
right now just like this online approach there's   also offline approaches very similar and this is 
basically going to networking groups but that are   not online but are also offline now I know a lot 
of people watching this might be thinking well   Jeff Jason I don't want to talk to somebody face 
to face I just want to be on a computer and that's   totally fine we have so many ways you can just go 
through hide behind your computer and get clients   as well but if you're a person that is like more 
social and want to be out meeting people there are   groups like BNI I remember when I first started I 
went to a BNI networking event and what that is is   basically you have a city and it has one of each 
industry of a small local business owner so let's   say it's got one real estate agent one mortgage 
broker one electrician one dentist one plumber   that then can go and give referrals to each other 
so what happens when you go to these groups is you   can jump on a list to go and present your business 
so now you're going through and presenting your   business to all of these other business owners 
and guess what people that are business owners are   friends with other business owners it's kind of 
like people that are interested in basketball are   friends with other people that enjoy basketball 
right and so the cool thing is now you have   this network of people that you're pitching your 
services to you're telling them about what you do   how you can help them and not only do you have 
a room full of that the your ideal clients but   also they can go through and tell their friends 
about what you do and there's other networking   groups there's a site actually called 
they have all types of meetups for all different   things but there's a lot of business meetups on 
that site and you can go jump in there see when   the next one is your close in your local area and 
jump in and start networking with all those small   local business owners so those are two great 
ways to kind of get like a mass exposure to   a lot of people just by going through and showing 
up now this third one this isn't for like more of   the instant results but this is more for the long 
term game and I've told a lot of other marketing   agency owners to do this and now that they've been 
in the game for a year or even more it has been   absolutely game changer for them and that is going 
through and starting a YouTube channel and no you   do not need hundreds or thousands of subscribers 
on your YouTube channel to have success with it   this is actually how I started my YouTube channel 
if you go back in the archive of my old videos   it was all about real estate marketing and real 
estate agents and real estate leads and then all   of a sudden all these marketing agency owners 
started following me because I was actually   building it I was not just talking about it I 
was actually doing what I was talking about right   and so what you want to do is just post like one 
video a week and talk about how to go through and   Market your business or how to generate more leads 
or how to go through and leverage Facebook or Tick   Tock and so you've got a variety of different 
types of content that you can make but then   people are going to slowly start finding your 
videos and finding and watching them and then   thinking man I gotta go if work with so and so 
to help have them help me grow my business and   like I said I've told a bunch of people to go 
through and do this and even with a few hundred   or even a couple thousand of subscribers on their 
YouTube channel I've had people come back and tell   me hey look I'm at 20 30 40 even 50 000 per month 
just because of YouTube because they might not   have a lot of subscribers they might not have 
a lot of views on those YouTube videos but if   you're going through and making a video of how 
to run Facebook ads for dentists it's probably   not going to have a lot of views but every single 
person that watches that video is more than likely   going to be a dentist that is highly interested 
in actually going through and running Facebook   ads and getting help growing their business 
so those are three simple ways to go through   and get started and start getting clients with 
absolutely no money and like I said in my course I   have several other ways to go through and actually 
get clients plus I have sales scripts of how to go   through and set up payments take the payments 
and get them paying you on a monthly recurring   basis and that is the beauty of this model is that 
you make a sale once and it's not just a one-time   sale they're going to be paying you on a monthly 
ongoing basis so every single month you can stack   on that Revenue now let's talk about the next 
part which is how to actually fulfill for those   clients so you know that they're getting results 
now like I said if we're going to be charging only   300 to 500 per month I don't want to be doing 
SEO or search engine optimization and spending   hours on a client account or running Facebook 
ads and once again spending hours on a client   account I want to leverage simple systems that I 
can set up once takes about five minutes to do and   then the AI or the software is going to be doing 
everything on a monthly ongoing basis for pretty   much all the Fulfillment and so the cool thing 
about this is it creates semi-passive income   now it's not completely passive because obviously 
if you have a client that has questions you need   to go through and answer those questions 
and help them out if something's going on   but if we're relying on software and systems just 
like this and it takes about five minutes to set   up then it's pretty passive there's not a ton of 
ongoing fulfillment and so that's where you can   really scale your business and bring on hundreds 
or even thousands of clients just like I did with   my own business all right now this first one I'm 
going to jump onto my computer and actually show   you guys the setup here all right so for this 
example we're going to say that we were going   to work with plumbers in Dallas Texas now I want 
to go through a simple scenario with you guys of   how a prospective client is going to actually 
find a plumber so let's say I'm in need of a   plumber for my house what I'm going to do is I'm 
going to type in plumbers and then whatever City   that I live in right and then what happens is 
Google pulls up the local plumber so you got   public service plumbers Cody and Sons Plumbing 
Tribeca Plumbing and what I probably will do   is start calling these plumbers and I'll start 
calling this one and if they don't answer I'll   call this one if they don't answer I'll call this 
one and so what happens is a lot of these plumbers   actually 62 percent of calls of these small local 
business owners go unanswered because they're busy   and so if they're going to call this person and 
then they don't don't pick up so they're going to   call this next person every single time a plumber 
goes and performs an appointment at someone's   house they're probably gonna be making two to 
three hundred dollars per appointment right so   if they're missing out on this Potential Prospect 
that needs help with their home with plumbing then   they're potentially missing out on two to three 
hundred dollars every single time that happens   and over the course of a month it probably happens 
like a dozen times or even more and so what we're   going to do is we're going to set them up with 
a simple service literally takes one minute to   set up that is called Auto Miss call text back so 
what happens is if I go through and call public   service plumbers right here and they don't pick up 
because 62 percent of calls go unanswered what's   going to happen is they're going to actually 
automatically send that Potential Prospect   a text message that says hey sorry I missed your 
call how can I help you and then that saves the   deal and they're less likely to go through and 
call the next person because now they've actually   made contact with public service plumbers right 
here so what we do is we actually use a simple   software we're going to come over here to this 
launch pad and we're just going to click connect   on their Google business account basically all 
they have to do is just sign into their Google   business account it's basically like signing a 
Gmail put in your email putting your password and   that's it now you can see we've already done that 
so we've got the green check mark and then once   that's connected it's going to read the software 
is going to read their entire profile right here   and so they're going to see what phone numbers 
right there and then anytime somebody calls   that phone number all we have to do is click on 
settings come down here to enable Miss call text   back and click save so every single time somebody 
calls and the person does the local business owner   does not pick up it's going to say hi this is 
location name is basically their business name   where you could fill in whatever you want right 
there I saw that we just missed your call how can   I help and what that took literally less than two 
minutes to go through and set up and that is going   to work every single time somebody calls for an 
ongoing basis there's no monthly fulfillment or   anything else like that that you have to do which 
is amazing I love simple services that can provide   massive value that don't require a ton of my 
time and effort and energy on a monthly ongoing   basis and then when the person when the Potential 
Prospect responds this text message it goes into   what is called a Unified Inbox which is already 
pre-built into the software you don't have to set   anything up here let me just zoom out here real 
quick and so this is a Unified Inbox and the cool   thing is there's a mobile app to the software 
that comes as a bonus just for free that you   can go through and have your local business owner 
respond to all of these clients that are texting   in emailing it or whatever on their mobile 
phone as well it's like if you're a plumber   and you're out and about and you get a message 
you can then look and then respond super quick   right and so the cool thing about this Unified 
Inbox is this collects all emails text messages   phone calls you can see even reviews right here uh 
Facebook messages Instagram DMS and so no matter   where your your local business owners clients are 
trying to get in contact with them it all funnels   into this one simple location so they are a lot 
like a lot less likely to miss a message and so   they're never going to miss another message and 
so they're going to save a lot of potential deals   that are coming in this is absolutely crucial guys 
another massive value add with no additional setup   on your end and so you don't have to worry about 
hey I don't have the marketing experience I don't   have the tech skills it's already pre-built 
in the software you don't have to do anything   which leads me into the next simple service that 
also takes about two minutes to set up and it's   basically already done because we've already 
connected the Google account you can see right   here is online reviews so if we come back over 
here to this Google Search right over here you see   we've got public service plumbers Cody and Sons 
Plumbing Tribeca Plumbing the reason why they're   showing up first and even though we can click on 
more businesses and there's going to be a ton more   local plumbers in the Dallas Texas area is because 
they have more reviews and more five star reviews   that Google is basically saying hey this is 
a credible company we want to show them first   before anyone else and the truth is most people 
after they work with a plumber or a dentist or   a chiropractor the first thing on their mind 
is not to go leave a five-star review on this   person's profile right and just for the haters 
watching this because I hear this all the time   these are not fake reviews this is somebody that 
recently worked with public service plumbers that   we're going to send a review request to leave a 
review and you might be thinking well Jason well   if it's not a five-star review well that also 
incentivize the business owner that much more   to perform an amazing service okay and so you 
can see why these are rated so high because got   361 reviews 1.2 000 195.

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That's amazing so that's 
another thing to the software because we have the   Google business profile already connected here 
all you have to do is come over here to settings   you go to reputation management which is 
another name for online reviews because   you're managing the reputation and you see this 
review link because their Google business profile   is already connected you just click generate 
link and then you click save all right and then   from here you can click Send review requests 
and put in their name or their email or phone   and there's actually ways that you can go through 
and automate these review requests as well and so   now once somebody works with a plumber or they 
leave the dentist office or they just got done   work with the real estate agent or chiropractor 
or whatever it is they can go through and send a   review request and then you can see right 
here you can have a custom message that's   then going to send a link to this review write 
a review link so it's going to be super simple   for them to click on go write a a review leave 
a five star review so you're going to get more   reviews more five star reviews have happier 
customers and then because they're showing up   and the top three of Google right here they're 
going to get more business because more people   are going to be coming back to go through and 
work with them you see how cool that is these   are just super simple software solutions that 
we're implementing without having to do hardly   any extra work okay now another one that we can 
go through and Leverage is something called a   chat widget right and so what a chat widget is 
it's a little bottom right hand corner which   basically if someone goes to your website you just 
go through and have a little chat widget they can   go and grab their name their phone number and ask 
a question so you can either go through if they   already have a website connect the chat widget 
right here or if they don't have a website you   can leverage the software to easily set up a new 
website for their business owner okay so basically   come over here say Hey you need a website let's 
get a professional nice looking website done for   you we click on new website go to template Library 
we've got dozens of amazing really professional   websites and I say we it's not my software but 
this is these are this is exact software that   I use let's say you're working with the gym owner 
so we're just going to click on select right here   looks beautiful we're just going to click continue 
we're going to say okay let's get this template   right here and I want to show you guys this 
little chat widget because this is extremely   powerful that then when you're collecting more 
leads from this business owner's website you're   going to have a lot of automations triggered from 
this as well okay so here is the template right   here we just click on that you can see all the 
pages already pre-built so if you just click on   this open it up so we can just see what the page 
looks like you can see it's just your standard   website you go through switching a few images some 
contact information different things like that but   you see it does not have this little chat widget 
so all you have to do is come over here click on   settings and then just hit enable chat widget it's 
as simple as that so we click save and now we go   back out on this website let's check this out 
and now it's got a little chat widget how cool   is that so they click on this right here they put 
in their name their phone number type in a little   message for their question hit send and then that 
also is going to go into the Unified Inbox it's   going to create a new lead a new contact which 
is going to also boost the number of leads that   your your client is getting from their main 
website because a typical website like this   it converts less than one percent of people 
visiting the website into actual leads whereas   if you have this little chat widget this little 
pop-up this boosts the number of leads you get   from your website dramatically and then also not 
only leads but you're starting a conversation that   your local business owner client can respond to 
from their mobile phone or within the Unified   Inbox over here I mean how cool is this and guys 
like I said all these things they take about 5-10   minutes to set up all of these and then you don't 
have to do anything on an ongoing basis to this   website or this chat widget is there forever 
you don't have to do anything else for that   now the last thing that I'm going to show you guys 
because um there's probably there's so many other   things if you guys look over here on the software 
so many other things Facebook ads reporting sites   um automations all this cool stuff payments 
uh but I cover all of that in that free   online course show you guys step by step what to 
offer how to set it up all everything A to Z but   let's talk a little bit about automations 
the cool thing about these automations   and there's these pre-built automations that 
you can go through and use for your clients and   so guess what you don't have to worry about oh 
I don't have marketing experience I don't have   Tech skills I don't know what to say I don't know 
what to do here because it's already pre-built and   done for you guys okay so if we come over here to 
create workflow and then what we're going to do is   this one is called The Fast Five because there 
are studies that were done by MIT and Harvard   some very smart people that showed that if you do 
not connect with a new lead within the first five   minutes then your chance of actually closing that 
lead drop by over 80 percent so if you get a new   lead from your website and you're a plumber and 
you're busy fixing a toilet or something and you   don't have time to go in and connect with them 
right away or you get a new lead from any other   source you know you're kind of host right where if 
you have this fast five in place it goes through   and it creates an opportunity automatically in the 
system automatically sends an email automatically   sends a text waits for two minutes did they 
reply no they didn't reply automatically give   that person a phone call did they answer the 
phone call no okay drop a voicemail whereas if   they did reply you say okay was the reply positive 
we're using AI machine learn which is so cool here   guys was reply yup positive yes okay send them 
a booking link was a positive no okay let's send   an intern notification to a team member let them 
know we need to go through and connect with them   right now guys there's so much more that we can 
go through and show and do is how to fulfill for   these clients how to scale your business how to go 
to ten thousand dollars per month and even scale   beyond that like I said if you guys want that 
free course go ahead smash the like button and   uh drop a comment down below I'll share with you 
the private link but also I'll hook you guys up   um in the description as well as in the top 
comment I'll throw in that 100 free course   and no there's not it's not behind any paywall 
it's not going through a webinar to sell you some   thousand dollar program anything like that it's a 
hundred percent free I'll get you hooked up with a   free extended trial to the software it's a 30-day 
trial you can literally get everything set up get   your first clients in the first 30 days before you 
even have to pay for the software which is so cool   right whereas if you go to the main website of the 
software it's normally a 14 day free trial right   so I just want to hook you guys up I want to 
give back and help you guys out as much as   possible so with that said hope you found this 
video helpful and I will see you in the next one

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